Here you’ll find home design, free travel guides, local guides & random things that are making our lives in the midst of owning 3 businesses with a 2 y/o.
You may think we just build houses, or travel the globe. Or do design, and occasionally sell real estate for friends. Well, all those things are true, and also not!
Finding you the home of you’re dreaming about is what fuels us. We love it when you love where you live. We have 15+ years experience, and we also have a lot of fun.
We love our real estate clients so much, we throw in staging options free of charge, or at a greatly discounted rate. Staging is only available for friends we are working with in selling their home.
Yes we own a full scale spec home construction company, Little & Co. No, we are not doing renovation projects…unless you happen to be our real estate clients. Can you tell by now we really love you?!
Feel free to stalk us as much as you want (it’s 2019, after all. It’s sort of weird if you don’t)! Ha! We’re on all the things, in all the places.