Gary Vaynerchuk's Agent 2021 Takeaways
Miami in January? YES PLEASE!
Add in a Gary V conference for our industry and we were in! Such a great and encouraging trip, so here are my main takeaways and I think they are so relevant for anyone who owns their own business.
Tacocraft, Ft. Lauderdale
If you don’t have a strong, clear, personal, gut-level presence on social, you may just be on your way out of business.
It’s not enough to just do the minimum to get by, and the mindset is not “How do I fit all this content posting into my already busy schedule?”. That’s sort of where I was. But I realized that social media is in fact my real job. Without it, I have nothing else. It’s my office, my voice, my marketing, my network.
If I engage in a real, authentic way with people who are in my town, it is the absolute equivalent of meeting them at a restaurant and chatting. There is so much that has changed in our world because of social and most of it we don’t even realize. We prioritize the physical over the digital, and that doesn’t always hold up.
Give value, and give it away for free.
We are not selling homes, selling transactions, or even selling a lifestyle. We are selling trust. What makes you a good person in real life still makes you a good person on social. Be kind. And just be you.
The Confidante, Miami Beach
Your content is the variable of your success.
This may be the biggest, most impactful concept that was really driven home for me. It’s not your clever name, the beauty of your images, the quality of your videos, but the literal value of your content. If it’s good, worth watching, reading or listening to, people will stick around. This can also be applied by valuing quantity over quality. Consistency is king here. Content creating is an art for sure, but it will only come with practice and repetition. Don’t have paralysis by over thinking every move.
I’m definitely guilty of a Walter Mitty level imagination. Ideas are my jam. I can dream up a thousand amazing things before I finish my coffee. But often they’re so elaborate and perfect, that I get discouraged before I even begin. Action is my friend, perfection and comparison are my enemies. Vulnerability is thankfully a beautiful new form of currency and I’m leaning into it more these days.
So here’s to taking action. Removing barriers. And just going with it.
Veza Sur, Miami